Default Port Change of Command Central

On page 539 of 9.9 Command Central help documentation, it is mentioned as that we can change default port of command central from web user interface.

Please show the steps how I can change the default port of Command Central and Platform Manager.

Thanks in advance


Here’re the instruction for changing the CommandCentral default port

  1. In CC webUI, go to Instances view and select CCE component
  2. Click on Configuration tab ( second on top)
  3. In the drop down menu select Ports
  4. By selecting ports you’ve see a table with all ports used by Command Central. Click on the link defaultHttp
  5. Click on the Edit button
  6. Change Port Number ( default is 8090) to something else.
  7. Click on Save button

Now CommandCentral is automatically restarted on the newly selected port.

You need to open another browser session using the new port.

For Changing the SPM port the two action needs to perform

A) Changing SPM port
B) Configure CCE to use new port of SPM

For A)

  1. In CC webUI, go to Instances view and select SPM component you
  2. Click on Configuration tab ( second on top)
  3. In the drop down menu select Ports
  4. By selecting ports you’ve see a table with all ports used by Platform Manager. Click on the link defaultHttp
  5. Click on the Edit button
  6. Change Port Number ( default is 8092) to something else let say 8093.
  7. Click on Save button

Platform Manager will automatically start on the new port, which will cause CommandCentral to report this node as offline.

B) Configure CCE to use new port of SPM

  1. In installation tab, select the node, which has SPM port changed.
  2. On the overview page, In Installation section change the port value to be same as set in A-6. ( 8093)
  3. Click anywhere in the page t save the value.

Click refresh and the status should be online
