Debugging Flowservice

hi all,
I know for executing flowservice we can use save pipeline and restore pipeline.But i dont Know while we are enabling save pipeline we disabled restore pipeline.And the same while we are enabled restore pipeline we disabled save pipeline Why?

Can any one clarify my doubt.

savePipelineToFile saves the pipeline data to file system (under /sag/IntegrationServer/pipeline). It is not mandatory to have this all the time. When we do some testing, we keep this service to save data locally sometimes. Once it is saved, you can use restorePipelineFromFile which will retrieve the saved data from the file system. This is basically to avoid ‘requesting sender to send data again and again’ for some basic testing purpose.

Pls refer built in services guide to understand more about all the WmPublic services.


Thank you senthil…But I have one doubt…while we are invoke save and restore pipline we cannot enable and disable at atime…means if we disable save that time we have to enable restore … can my question clear…

…am waiting for your ans senthil…

It is just a basic logic… Would suggest you to use the service one by one and do some practice… You will understand it better…


k…Thank you senthil

Hi Raj
you can also use a Exit “from flow” between save and restore pipeline to file services to minimize the enable and disable of these services while debugging.


Assume 1st time ur going to debug the service then u will be adding a savepipe line & restore pipeline, both are enabled. u run the service.

You won’t face any problem, but really there is no use of enabeling restore pipeline.

2nd time ur going to debug the Required service where u put the save/restore pipeline steps.

now u try to run service either step by step or run the service, at first place a window will appear to get the input for that service, in this debuging scenario we not used to give those i/p and we will move to the next step.

what will happen now? since we dont give any i/p values now the savepiepline will emptied the saveD pieline XML file in the filesystem, so the restore pipeline will fetch the empty pipeline XML, since there are no inputs ur service will throw some error & it will get exit.

To get rid out of this u shud disable the save pipeline