DCC 7.1.2 Fix 3, fails when updating ISInternal


I´m trying to apply the DCC 7.1.2 Fix 3 but have run into some trouble.
When I get to Step 13 it fails (see output below) complaining of a dependancy to a column called uuid.

I´m upgrading from version 35 to 36, using the latest version of the Database Component Configurator (version 20090224.3.dcc_712)

Has anyone come across this before?

Best regards,

* Executing action
* Action : migrate
* Database : SQL Server
* Component : ISInternal
* From version : 35
* To version : 36
* URL : jdbc:wm:sqlserver://UAT204CLU03b\Inst2:3779;databaseName=WEBM_IS_CORE_NRT
* User : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
* create Database Component: ComponentTracker CTR
* Versions
* Version: sqlserver 20
* Scripts create
* Script(1): C:\webMethods712\common\db/scripts/mssql/componenttracker/20/create/mss_ctr_c_ddl.sql
* Script(3): C:\webMethods712\common\db/scripts/mssql/componenttracker/migrate/10_to_20/mss_ctr_m_10_to_20.sql
* Executing script : C:\webMethods712\common\db/scripts/mssql/componenttracker/20/create/mss_ctr_c_ddl.sql
* Executing script : C:\webMethods712\common\db/scripts/mssql/componenttracker/migrate/10_to_20/mss_ctr_m_10_to_20.sql
* migrate Database Component: ISInternal ISI
Supported migrations:
* Migration: SQL Server 35 to 36
* Scripts: migrate
* Script(1): C:\webMethods712\common\db/scripts/mssql/isinternal/migrate/35_to_36/mss_isi_m_35_to_36.sql
* Script(2): C:\webMethods712\common\db/scripts/mssql/isinternal/migrate/35_to_36/mss_isi_m_35_to_36_dml_tracking.sql
* Executing script : C:\webMethods712\common\db/scripts/mssql/isinternal/migrate/35_to_36/mss_isi_m_35_to_36.sql
Error: [wm-cjdbc36-0007][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]The object ‘PK__IS_USER_TASKS__117F9D94’ is dependent on column ‘uuid’.
CDC ERROR [wm-cjdbc36-0007][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]The object ‘PK__IS_USER_TASKS__117F9D94’ is dependent on column ‘uuid’.
Suspending execution…
CDC Error: java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc36-0007][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]The object ‘PK__IS_USER_TASKS__117F9D94’ is dependent on column ‘uuid’.
Summary of installation errors
Error in executing file C:\webMethods712\common\db/scripts/mssql/isinternal/migrate/35_to_36/mss_isi_m_35_to_36.sql
SQL error [wm-cjdbc36-0007][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]The object ‘PK__IS_USER_TASKS__117F9D94’ is dependent on column ‘uuid’.

Database component configurator summary
Date : Tue Dec 28 12:13:58 CET 2010
Database : SQL Server
Action : migrate
Migration failed

ISInternal 36

Taking a closed look at the actual scripts being executed reveled the real problem (the DCC omitted the original error).
The stored procedure (OPERATION_DROP_PRIMARY_KEY) created during the operation asumes the tables are under the dbo schema.
In this case they belonged to WEBM_IS_CORE_NRT.

The solution was to replace the [dbo] with the correct schema.

SET @dropSql=
‘ALTER TABLE [dbo].[’+@tableName+‘] <---- [dbo] here is not a good choice

Best regards,