It is observed that there is a Datetime difference between Integration server and OS Unix System tim.
the difference is 14 seconds.
Kindly let me know what might be causing this.
Datetime difference between Integration server and OS Unix System time
What is your IS version with fix levels?
Also make sure you have the latest updates to the installer JDK from the appropriate vendor on a regular basis.
What is the pattern passed as input?
IS version is 9.8 and fix level is IS_9.8_Core_Fix6.
I am using the “” which has no inputs.
I also tried using java service which returns the “new Date()” object.
Both cases the time difference is coming.
Even we are on same version and fix levels but we are on SunOS but we donot have any such issues as reported.
Can you run the service “” with pattern as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S to check what time it returns? Also work with Unix support and raise a SR against SAG.