Database space usage display ?


I have a question regarding the display of the free size of data space in System managemengt hub → Tamino → databases → database - Information → space usage:

This information doesn’t show the correct value ? Even if I delete all documents in the database it shows the last known value. This isn’t much of a help to me, because I don’t see the actual free size.

Can this information be set to the correct value ?

Thanks in advance

Andreas Homfeldt
Deutsche Bausparkasse Badenia AG
Informatik Service
Methoden, Architekturen & Tools

Andreas Homfeldt
Deutsche Bausparkasse Badenia AG
Informatik Service - MAT

Dear Mr. Homfeldt,

the information that you see is accurate - but I understand that you expect to see different numbers. The point is that Tamino allocates some space in the data space and some space in the index space for each doctype. When you insert more documents, more space is allocated. This space remains allocated to a doctype unless you delete the doctype, i.e. deletion of the documents in a doctype does not return the allocated space.

The rationale behind this is that contiguous allocation of space is advantageous for performance reasons, and that from the customer scenarios we know, doctypes typically do not shrink permanently. Even if they shrink temporarily, they will eventually grow again, reusing the allocated space.


Harald Sch

Dear Mr. Sch

Dear Mr. Homfeldt,

yes, there is no possibility to see the actual used space in the sense that preallocated space is not taken into account


Harald Sch