I have a requirement where the directory system is not an industry standard directory system .It is not a LDAP or Database ,it is a custom directory system which cannot be configured in the MWS directory services.
We are providing a userid and password to the directory system by webservice call and it will return the status message.
Based on the status message , we have to go the landing page which is a task inbox screen.
Task can be assigned only if the users are configured in the MWS. If any one has faced this kind of situation.Please guide me.
Saravanan G
Login using a generic user:
IDirectorySession session = DirectorySystemFactory.getDirectorySystem().createSession();
IDirectoryUser userlogin = session.authenticateUser(getDomainUser(), getDomainUserPassword());
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request = (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)com.webmethods.portal.framework.impl.PortalServlet.getCurrentRequest();
AuthInfo authInfo = AuthInfo.getAuthInfo(request.getSession());
authInfo.setInfo(getDomainUser(), getDomainUserPassword(), "", "");
and impersonate with the user of your choice:
IContext context;
context = ContextFactory.acquireContext(true);
IBizPolicyManager bpm = (IBizPolicyManager) PortalSystem.getBizPolicyProvider();
IDirSystemBizPolicy dirSystemPolicy = (IDirSystemBizPolicy) bpm.getBizPolicy(IBizPolicyNames.DIRECTORY_SYSTEM);
// lookup user by UID
IDirUser user = (IDirUser) dirSystemPolicy.lookupPrincipalByID(context, userID, IDirSystem.TYPE_USER);
IThingID userThingID = user.getDirectoryPrincipalID();
boolean currentIsAdmin = context.isAdminSession();
context.impersonate(userThingID, currentIsAdmin );
Hi Norberto,
I have created a custom login page and made it as default login page.
After authentication i have used the code given by you with some modification.
Please find below the my code
public String submit() throws PortalException, ServletException, IOException {
resolveDataBinding(SUBMIT_PROPERTY_BINDINGS, this, “submit.this”, true, false);
String Loginsuccess = getLdapAuthentication().getResult().getStatus().toString();
RequestDispatcher rd = null;
IDirectorySession session = DirectorySystemFactory.getDirectorySystem().createSession();
if (Loginsuccess.equalsIgnoreCase(“ok”) )
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request = (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)com.webmethods.portal.framework.impl.PortalServlet.getCurrentRequest();
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response=(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)com.webmethods.portal.framework.impl.PortalServlet.getCurrentResponse();
//IDirectoryUser userlogin = session.authenticateUser(getDomainUser(), getDomainUserPassword());
IDirectoryUser userlogin = session.authenticateUser("Administrator", "manage");
AuthInfo authInfo = AuthInfo.getAuthInfo(request.getSession());
authInfo.setInfo("Administrator", "manage", "", "");
//and impersonate with the user of your choice:
IContext context;
context = ContextFactory.acquireContext(true);
IBizPolicyManager bpm = (IBizPolicyManager) PortalSystem.getBizPolicyProvider();
IDirSystemBizPolicy dirSystemPolicy = (IDirSystemBizPolicy) bpm.getBizPolicy(IBizPolicyNames.DIRECTORY_SYSTEM);
// lookup user by UID
// String LdapUserid = getLdapAuthentication().getParameters().getLdapAuthentication().getUserid();
IDirUser user = (IDirUser) dirSystemPolicy.lookupPrincipalByID(context,"Administrator", IDirSystem.TYPE_USER);
IThingID userThingID = user.getDirectoryPrincipalID();
boolean currentIsAdmin = context.isAdminSession();
context.impersonate(userThingID, currentIsAdmin);
String redirectURL = "";
return "success";
else {
//javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request = (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)com.webmethods.portal.framework.impl.PortalServlet.getCurrentRequest();
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response=(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)com.webmethods.portal.framework.impl.PortalServlet.getCurrentResponse();
String redirectURL = "http://www.avajava.com/tutorials/lessons/what-is-a-request-dispatcher-and-how-do-i-use-it.html";
return "fail";
But on click of submit button , no action is taking place. Only the URL is changing . It is not going to the page mentioned in the URL.It is showing only the custom login.
Try to use
getFacesContext().getExternalContext().redirect(String url);
Hi Norberto,
I am getting session time out error after one minute, if i use the above code
Any idea how to increase the session time .
Saravanan G
Application can be made web application, webMethods 8.x support tasks on webapps. If its webapp, we can maintain custom login page/login action makes your work simple and maintainable etc. As Directory service cannot be configured in MWS, i guess this would be a better and easy approach.
Also you can use Task API wherever needed as java/webservice calls.
I leave it to CAF gurus.