Current logged user

Hi all,

How is this possible for an Admin to see the list of currently logged users to Centrasite?


Hi RG,
this is not possible from within CentraSite. You could get the number of open sessions from that particulare Appl. Server to CentraSite but if you want it on a user level, you have to configure Tomcat logging in such a way that it records the opened connections.

Thanks Gerald.

I will try to check the number of open sessions as suggested by you. Basically, i wanted to check the current usage before making a change in Centrasite configuration that requires restart of service.


Little update on this one

I was working in the Application Designer IDE and i happen to notice one ‘Monitoring’ option in the Development tools section there. This option seems to provide the list of current logged in users.

However, no further details are available. I was hoping that we could use this functionality outside the designer IDE.
