
I need to know how to access the cross references of an object in Natural ONE version 9.2.1

For example, removing the programs that update a certain file, as was done in MVS with the LIST XREF command


Sent you information in LINKED IN message.


Hey Shlomo! Others would love to see your response and learn from it! That’s the point of a forum: to share information with other interested users.

I’d point out two options:

  • LIST XREF is still available. You can open a mainframe console to run it within NaturalONE or run it as previously from a terminal emulator.

  • if your workspace is loaded with the relevant application source modules, check out NaturalONE tools:

    • Dependency view - shows what modules call/are called (including data areas and DDMs)

    • Search tool - you can search for simple strings or you can use regular expressions (regexp) for sophisticated selection

Looking forwards to seeing Shlomo’s contributions also!

Douglas Kelly

Hi Douglas,

Thanks for reaching out! Please understand my hesitation about mentioning our own software, even with good intentions. It’s always worth being mindful of the community’s preferences.

That said, I think the capabilities of SMART TS XL might be genuinely useful for NATURAL users like yourself, so I wanted to share some information – I hope it’s valuable!

Here’s what I’m excited about with SMART TS XL for NATURAL:

  • Full Language Support: It handles NATURAL flawlessly, alongside hundreds of other languages and scripts like COBOL, SAP, and JAVA. You won’t be limited by programming syntax.
  • Flowcharting and Subsystems: Easily visualize NATURAL program logic and structure using flowcharts. Additionally, identify subsystems for better organization and understanding.
  • Extensive Cross-Referencing: Uncover all the connections and dependencies within your NATURAL code and outside of Natural and outside of your platforms.
  • Live Demo: I created a quick demo (link below) showcasing NATURAL flowcharting, subsystem analysis, and cross-referencing capabilities. Take a look!

Another exciting aspect of SMART TS XL is its democratization of complex analysis. Any user, regardless of technical expertise, can access and navigate extensive information across diverse platforms and languages. This fosters collaboration and deeper understanding of interconnected systems.

The demo (again, link below) demonstrates how SMART TS XL lets you visualize activity between ADABAS and NATURAL modules, and even expand on connections with other platforms and languages.

I hope this information is helpful, Douglas. Feel free to ask any questions you might have about SMART TS XL or its application with NATURAL. Remember, my primary goal is to share useful knowledge and insights, not sales pitches!

Best regards,


Links to Live Video Demos. The first video is NATURAL centric and the others are overall IT repository capabilities, including Adabas Natural .

I do apologize. Seems the links did not go thru in the response, so I am trying without the hyperlinking of the text. You may have to “copy” paste” into a browser. Hope this works for everyone.



    Watch - Screencastify

  2. Why everyone calls it “power for the masses”

  1. CHATGPT integration

Thanks for reaching out! Please understand my hesitation about mentioning our own software, even with good intentions. It’s always worth being mindful of the community’s preferences.

That said, I think the capabilities of SMART TS XL might be genuinely useful for NATURAL users like yourself, so I wanted to share some information – I hope it’s valuable!

Here’s what I’m excited about with SMART TS XL for NATURAL:

  • Full Language Support: It handles NATURAL flawlessly, alongside hundreds of other languages and scripts like COBOL, SAP, and JAVA. You won’t be limited by programming syntax.
  • Flowcharting and Subsystems: Easily visualize NATURAL program logic and structure using flowcharts. Additionally, identify subsystems for better organization and understanding.
  • Extensive Cross-Referencing: Uncover all the connections and dependencies within your NATURAL code and outside of Natural and outside of your platforms.
  • Live Demo: I created a quick demo (link below) showcasing NATURAL flowcharting, subsystem analysis, and cross-referencing capabilities. Take a look!

Another exciting aspect of SMART TS XL is its democratization of complex analysis. Any user, regardless of technical expertise, can access and navigate extensive information across diverse platforms and languages. This fosters collaboration and deeper understanding of interconnected systems.

The demo (again, link below) demonstrates how SMART TS XL lets you visualize activity between ADABAS and NATURAL modules, and even expand on connections with other platforms and languages.

I hope this information is helpful, Douglas. Feel free to ask any questions you might have about SMART TS XL or its application with NATURAL. Remember, my primary goal is to share useful knowledge and insights, not sales pitches!

Best regards,


Links to Live Video Demos. The first video is NATURAL centric and the others are overall IT repository capabilities, including Adabas Natural .

Is this position fully remote?

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