Conversation tie back in Rosettanet Transaction


I am new to Rosettanet implementation stuff. I run the sample pip 3A4. Its working fine. I have one question regarding this transaction. Lets talk in the view of responder model. Say pip has come in. validation successful. receipt acknowledgement sent. now inbound map took place and sent to the backend. Now model waits for the confirmation document to come in and once the confirmation comes in the modeler again kicks of and sends to trading partner. Now my quesiton is how this transaction is being tied back to the waiting transaction. Is it depending on the conversation id. if so, do we have to send back the conversaiton id received with the confirmation document.

Please help me to understand this.

Thanks in Advance.

Ram Kumar

yes,conversationid plays a major role in RNet and this will rejoin the conversation (at waitstep)and sends the 3A4 MG2 response to trading partner.Suppose if the inbound/outbound document are errored then you have to restart the conversation from the waitstep using the conversationid for that particular error document.


There are builtin services available for retrieving the conversationid,restarting conversation etc…see in the WmIPRoot package that comes along with RNIF Adapter.


Thank you RMG

I have question related with original question here -

Do we need to tie back the conversation id or it is done automatically by the PRT when the confirmation [3A4C] arrives ?

From my previous experience, It should tie back automatically the convID the response you send for 3A4…

Do you have sync or async process in place?