Connx Sync taking longer than expected

Hello Larry,

Run a query on InfoNaut.
query: Select * from {database}.dbo.{table}
Records 1 of 9017 || Records/Sec : 59 || Time : 152.3484526

  • it took 2-3 mins to view all the rows in that tables
  • the table contains 9017 rows
  • in the above message the sync that shows 9016 is the same table as here

Run a DataSync using transformations.
Transformation Name || Target Table || Start || End || Rows || Inserted || Updated || Deleted || Sync Type || Status Code
NewTransformation || SQLServerTable|| 5/22/2024 8:22:12 AM || 5/22/2024 8:22:17 AM || 0 || 0 || 0 || 0 || Full (NoCRC) || Success

  • No new transformation just load the all the columns to a new custom column.
  • Not sure why Rows, Inserted, Updated, Deleted are 0.
  • time taken in only 5 secs
  • And I can see all the 9016 rows on the newly create SQLserverTable

Run a DataSync Tables.
Item Name || Catalog || Owner || Start || End || Rows || Inserted || Updated || Deleted || Sync Type || Status Code
TableName || MainframeDatabase || dbo || 5/22/2024 8:23:10 AM || 5/22/2024 8:25:45 AM || 9017 || 0 || 0 || 0 || Full || Success

  • it took 2-3 mins to complete the sync to [mainframeDatabase].[TableName]
  • [mainframeDatabase].[TableName] Already exsisting from previous syncs

On InfoNaut
it says 9017 rows are available to view

On a newly created Transformation to a new table.
select count(*) from [dbo].[SQLServerTable] - 9016 rows

On sync table
select count(*) from [mainframeDatabase].[TableName] - 9017 rows

Running Sync on server took 2-3 mins to complete sync (Full Reload) to SQLServer