Connection closed by remote host for outgoing https

Hi guys,

I am seeing errors with one of my https connections to an external server which states ‘Connection closed by remote host’.

Can you please clarify if this is definetly an issue with the external server?

In addition, does this mean that the transaction (xml) is leaving the IS server successfully?



Connection closed is usually presented by the remote host. A couple of things to try and verify. Are you posting data to the site? Are you retrieving data from the site? If you are posting data, is your data getting there but the response is throwing the error? If so you might be experiencing an SSL Bug that webMethods has a patch for.

If you are retrieving data and getting that error, you might have an SSL configuration problem on your end with the certificate.

Can you provide more details?

Hi Friends,

We too face the same issue…
We connect from webMethods 6.1 to IIS server, and post by HTTPS.
it goes through fine, but inbetween every 10 - 20 messages of successful transmission we get an error as below… Connection closed by remote host.

but on retry it goes through fine, and sometimes we need to retry many times…

Do we need to add any patches on the wM to resolve this, anyone please help…



Hi griffima…

I am in the same situation. I have posted this as a seperate thread but worth if I reply to your answer.

I am trying to send an xml via AS2/https to a trading partner. I am getting the following error “ Connection closed by remote host”. The trading partner is not able to see any transaction hitting them from our IP.

What should be causing the problem. Please let me know.


Do check your firewall settings. Outgoing https port is not blocked in your firewall.

Hi…All our firewall rules are in place…but we are still getting this error.

Really this troubleshooting is to have your/TP network teams together and investigate I would suggest:


try to do telnet on outside server from IS and check whether your are seeing any logs at firewall end.