Config SFTP alias in IS server

Hi everyone
I configured SFTP but it is not work
Step 1: I create private and public key using Putty
Step 2: I use freeSSHd to create SSH server (using public key for SSH server)
Step 3: In IS server, create server alias with IP, get public key from step 1 (not click get host key button)
Step 4: create user alias using this server alias and authenticate with private key
Step 5: test connection
But when I test connection, it threw error
[ISS.0147.9011] Test of SFTP user alias Test failed. Details: HostKey has been changed: Test
Please help me resolve it

What is your IS version and make sure the IS fixes are installed as per the latest.

Try below,

1.Set the watt property to Settings > Extended

2.To increase the logging level to trace for 0064 Network Services and ‘0147 SFTP Client’ and provide with the complete IS server.log and the wrapper.log

Also, compare Hostkey for “Test” from both




This error happens when the server Host Key is changed or the server Host Key is wrong.

One way to verify is to check the Host Key Fingerprint in the Integration Server SFTP Server List with the SFTP server host key fingerprint.

The host key is unique and it should match the SFTP server host key fingerprint.

Integration Server stores the SFTP server alias configuration including the host key information in the Integration Server_directory /instances/instance_name/config/sftp/sftpServerAliases.cnf file.

Host Key is nothing but the public certificate of the SFTP server .
If the certificate file is not available , please copy the content of the certifcate from known_host file , save it as a .der file and use the file location in the Host Key Location field in SFTP server alias in IS.