COMBODYN2 control

With the COMBODYN2 how does one know which option the user selected.

What I would like to do is display a list of options for the user, and then when they select one, they press a button (e.g. Select) and then I want to display a record based on the option in the COMBO box.

The problem is that I am trying to iterate through the VALIDVALUESPROP to see which one was selected by looking at the STATUS field (defined as a U field). Usually I would have expected it to be a logical, so I am sure I am missing something.

Any advice would be appreciated.



In the VALIDVALUESPROP data structure you specify the values among which the users can select.

When the user has selected a value, the VALUEPROP data structure contains the selected value.

In case you would like to react immediately to a selection you can do the following:

  1. set the property FLUSH to server
  2. set a flushmethod

In this case your Natural program will be immediatly notifyd when the user has selected a new value. In this server roundtrip you can display the record based on the selected value. This means, you do not need an additional button for this.

Best Regards,

Works perfectly.

Thanks for your help Christine.