CloudStreams allow on-premise IS to call cloud services provided by various providers like Salesforce, Google, Amazon, etc. Cloud Streams must be installed along with IS for this feature to be available on IS. Installing CloudStreams will install "WmCloudStreams" and "WmCloudStreamsAnalytics" packages in IS.
To begin developing services consuming cloud services the user must first install the required CloudStreams provider package. Provider packages allow the user to create connections to cloud service. Once connections are in place, the user can create Connector services to connect and call cloud service.
This feature allows users to deploy the connections, connector services, and connector listeners to a solution in the cloud.
Like any other asset, the user must be able to view those assets in cloud UI.
Here we will take the example of Salesforce connector
1. Prepare OnPrem Asset
1.Integration Server 10.3 and above
2.CloudStreams must be installed along with IS
3. Salesforce account should be created and active
A. Install Salesforce Provider package from the recipe store
Open Designer and switch to Service development Prospective
Check the checkbox “Use the selected Cloud connection for recipes”
Click on Install and select the IS server where we want to install the Provider package
B Create Salesforce connector service
Create a new package and two new folders as shown below
Navigate to Solutions--->CloudStreams--->Providers--->
Provide created package name, Connection folder name, Salesforce account credentials And save the connection.
Enable the Connection
Connection details should be visible in connection folder
2. Create a new service
Right-click on Service folder and select New-->Cloud Connector Service
Provide service name and click on Next
Select the connection and click on Finish
Select Business Object “Account” and click on NEXT
C.Execute Salesforce Connector Service
Right-click on the Service” CreateAccount”, Select Run As Service, provide input and click on OK
2. Deploy and validate Salesforce Connector asset on Cloud
1. The solution should be available in Cloud Deployment/Container with CloudStreams enabled
2. In the Designer, Integration Cloud connection should be added.
Right Click on “WmSalesforceProvider” package and click on “Deploy to Cloud”, Click on NEXT, select the solution on cloud and Click on Finish
Package Salesforce105 is visible, now we will execute the “Create Account “service
Navigate to Solution > Salesforce105 >Service >CreateAccount, provide input and click on Test