CI with Jenkins - failed to create deployment candidate

I’m trying to create a CI for webMethods using Jenkins - runtime deployment creation is failing with the following error log

[exec] [DEBUG] [24 Feb 2020 12:48:15,153] (
[exec] [Deployer] Exiting executeService(String server, String user, String pwd, String packageStr, String service,IData inputDocument) Method
[exec] [DEBUG] [24 Feb 2020 12:48:15,153] (
[exec] [Deployer Service Status] Stature returned with status error
[exec] [DEBUG] [24 Feb 2020 12:48:15,154] (
[exec] [Deployer Service Status] Message = [DEP.0002.0148] No such deployment candidate myDeployment found in project WebM-g. Delete and recreate the deployment candidate.
[exec] [DEBUG] [24 Feb 2020 12:48:15,154] (
[exec] [Deployer] Exiting deployAction(HashMap paramMap) Method
[exec] [DEBUG] [24 Feb 2020 12:48:15,156] (
[exec] [Deployer] Entering addStatusRecordToReport(int errorCode, String message, boolean isUsageRecord) Method
[exec] [DEBUG] [24 Feb 2020 12:48:15,158] (
[exec] [Deployer] Exiting addStatusRecordToReport(int errorCode, String message, boolean isUsageRecord) Method
[exec] [ INFO] [24 Feb 2020 12:48:15,159] (
[exec] [[DEP.0100.4.01] Error -999][DEP.0100.-999] Service Error [DEP.0002.0148] No such deployment candidate myDeployment found in project WebM-g. Delete and recreate the deployment candidate.
[exec] [[DEP.0100.5.23] Deploy Deployment Candidate Output]
[exec] Error Executing Command
[exec] [[DEP.0100.4.01] Error - -999] : [[DEP.0100.5.23] Deploy Deployment Candidate] : [DEP.0100.-999] Service Error [DEP.0002.0148] No such deployment candidate myDeployment found in project WebM-g. Delete and recreate the deployment candidate.
[exec] [DEP.0100.3.39] Report file name :[DEP.0100.3.42] The simulate, checkpoint
[exec] , deploy, or rollback operation encounte
[exec] red an error while generating the report
[exec] . Contact Software AG Global Support.

Kindly help


BTW, What is your IS/DEP version ??

Also are you facing this CI run-time error only for a particular CI/DEP project or any project in general with CI/CD configuration with Jenkins?

Can you please try just running with Deployer itself not using with CI to prove the DEP for this project WebM-g working correctly?



Here is the IS/DEP version

Product webMethods Integration Server
Updates None
Build Number 84

Manually It’s working fine with deployer, only issue is with CI (Runtime Deployment).

We are following this project, provided by SAG

Looks like this project is following Repository deployment pattern. Could you please suggest us if there are any sample projects with Runtime Deployment?



Please try to install the latest fixes, 10.5 is not usable without them.

Best regardsm


Could you please provide a sample project which uses Runtime deployment with CI?
