CHECKBOX control read-only?


I’m trying to add some checkboxes to a layout, but whenever I publish/preview the page, they’re all greyed out (ie no input can be done).

Here’s the generated xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<page model="IndexAdapter">
    <titlebar name="Template" withclose="false">
    <header withdistance="false">
            <itr takefullwidth="501" height="30" align="center">
                <textout valueprop="result1" width="50" height="50" align="center">
                <textout valueprop="result2" width="50" height="50" align="center">
                <textout valueprop="result3" width="50" height="50" align="center">
                <textout valueprop="result4" width="50" height="50" align="center">
                <textout valueprop="result5" width="50" height="50" align="center">
            <itr takefullwidth="501" height="30" align="center">
                <checkbox valueprop="check1" statusprop="check1" width="50" displayonly="false" tabindex="0" align="center">
                <checkbox valueprop="check2" statusprop="check2" width="50" displayonly="false" tabindex="1" align="center">
                <checkbox valueprop="check3" statusprop="check3" width="50" tabindex="2" align="center">
                <checkbox valueprop="check4" statusprop="check4" width="50" tabindex="3" align="center">
                <checkbox valueprop="check5" statusprop="check5" width="50" tabindex="4" align="center">
            <itr align="center">
                <button name="roll!" method="rollDice">
    <statusbar withdistance="false">

As you can see, I’tried DISPLAYONLY=false and leaving it to default, to no avail.

As a bonus question, it is possible to assign specific elements of an array as valueprops? I have a int[5] that I want to display. Can I somehow display this array without explicitly splitting each individual element in the Adapter class?

Thanks a lot


Hi St


Thanks for your input, but…:slight_smile:

I haven’t used the code assistant but wrote the Adapter myself (and put it in the correct folder, as the app ‘works’, just not the CHECKBOX)

I will try the code assistant to see if it gets any better…

Oh, and before you ask, don’t mind the program (it’s just a low-level base for a Yahtzee game,not any top notch application. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I got bored of those ‘Hello World’ exercises :wink: )

import com.softwareag.cis.server.Adapter;
public class IndexAdapter extends Adapter {
    int result1 = 0;
    int result2 = 0;
    int result3 = 0;
    int result4 = 0;
    int result5 = 0;
    boolean check1= true;
    boolean check2= true;
    boolean check3= true;
    boolean check4= true;
    boolean check5= true;
    int attempt = 0;
    String attemptText = writeAttemptText(attempt);
    public void rollDice () {
        int[] dice = new int[5];
        for (int i = 0; i<dice.length; i++) {
            Double d = new Double((6 * Math.random()) + 1);
            dice[i] = d.intValue();            
        attempt += 1;
        attemptText = writeAttemptText(attempt);
    public void assignResults(int[] inResult) {
    private String writeAttemptText(int i) {
        String result;
        switch (i) {
            case 0: result = "No try yet.";
            case 1: result = "1 roll done.";
            case 2: result = "2 rolls done.";
            case 3: result = "All rolls done.  Please make a selection below...";
            default: result = "Over the top!! (" + i + " rolls already!?)";
        return result;

     * @return Returns the result1.
    public int getResult1() {
        return result1;

     * @param inResult1 The result1 to set.
    public void setResult1(int inResult1) {
        result1 = inResult1;

     * @return Returns the result2.
    public int getResult2() {
        return result2;

     * @param inResult2 The result2 to set.
    public void setResult2(int inResult2) {
        result2 = inResult2;

     * @return Returns the result3.
    public int getResult3() {
        return result3;

     * @param inResult3 The result3 to set.
    public void setResult3(int inResult3) {
        result3 = inResult3;

     * @return Returns the result4.
    public int getResult4() {
        return result4;

     * @param inResult4 The result4 to set.
    public void setResult4(int inResult4) {
        result4 = inResult4;

     * @return Returns the result5.
    public int getResult5() {
        return result5;

     * @param inResult5 The result5 to set.
    public void setResult5(int inResult5) {
        result5 = inResult5;
     * @return Returns the check1.
    public boolean isCheck1() {
        return check1;
     * @param inCheck1 The check1 to set.
    public void setCheck1(boolean inCheck1) {
        check1 = inCheck1;
     * @return Returns the check2.
    public boolean isCheck2() {
        return check2;
     * @param inCheck2 The check2 to set.
    public void setCheck2(boolean inCheck2) {
        check2 = inCheck2;
     * @return Returns the check3.
    public boolean isCheck3() {
        return check3;
     * @param inCheck3 The check3 to set.
    public void setCheck3(boolean inCheck3) {
        check3 = inCheck3;
     * @return Returns the check4.
    public boolean isCheck4() {
        return check4;
     * @param inCheck4 The check4 to set.
    public void setCheck4(boolean inCheck4) {
        check4 = inCheck4;
     * @return Returns the check5.
    public boolean isCheck5() {
        return check5;
     * @param inCheck5 The check5 to set.
    public void setCheck5(boolean inCheck5) {
        check5 = inCheck5;
     * @return Returns the attempt.
    public int getAttempt() {
        return attempt;
     * @param inAttempt The attempt to set.
    public void setAttempt(int inAttempt) {
        attempt = inAttempt;
     * @return Returns the attemptText.
    public String getAttemptText() {
        return attemptText;
     * @param inAttemptText The attemptText to set.
    public void setAttemptText(String inAttemptText) {
        attemptText = inAttemptText;


there are several problems in the code:

(1) the valueprop should point to a boolen (or - well… - could also point to a string)
(2) the statusprop should point to a string having the values CS_EDIT/DISPLAY/INVISIBLE.
(3) Never use “is*” for property access but always “get*”


Thanks for the response.
(1) They did point to a boolean, weren’t they?
(2) I removed that prop.
(3) Seems very counterintuitive to use get* instead of is* to access boolean properties…(these were default-generated constructors made by Eclipse) But hey!.. Now it works.

Thanks again
