i want to evaluate CentraSite community edition. I already installed CentraSite 3.1.8 on my local mashine and I have a webMethods Integration Server 7.1.2 running on a diffrent mashine.
How can I set up CentraSite and webMethods Integration Server to be able to interact. I want to add flow services, bpel processes and webServices (running on the IS) to the CentraSite repository. I can’t find documentation about that.
Hi Manuel,
BPEL process and BPEL roles can be directly imported into CentraSite via the WebUI called Control. You can also do this programatically.
CentraSite 8 and wM IS 8 have a native integration that allows you to publish entire IS packages to CentraSite and also consume WSDLs/XSDs from CentraSite from within wM Designer.
Version 7.x of IS interacting with CentraSite 8 is limited to exchange through UDDI. This means in Designer 7.2/Developer you can hook up to CentraSite and browse for Services/publish Services.
I have a question regarding RESTful webservices. The provider URL for restful webservices is (WADL-Web Application Description Language). In wM IS 7x consuming WADL is not supported. It can only consume WSDL.