I have a windows server where i install Cygwin to use SFTP commands
the path now is cygdrive/C, i can use sftp:ls cygdrive/C/Dist and get file from that path but the probleme is that i can’t put file to that path i get that error
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /cygdrive/C/Dist/2016-01-24_taux.txt (A file or directory in the path name does not exist.)
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /cygdrive/C/Dist/2016-01-24_taux.txt (A file or directory in the path name does not exist.)
when i do it with putty or filezilla it works,
i think the problem is in the path it’s not known by designer even if Designer know the path when i use ls or get from cygdrive to my BUS.
sftp:get–>remoteFile=/cygdrive/c/Dist/filename, localFile =WMESBDEV/Doc(serveur AIX where IS exist) WORKS but when i do :
sftp:get–>remoteFile=/cygdrive/c/Dist/filename, localFile =/cygdrive/c/Dist/Archive/filename
it dosn’t work
Sometimes you are saying you are able to list, get the files,issue only with put but again you are saying there is an issue with get operation as well. Little confused with your OS’s.
thanks for yr reply,
im not confused, i have the same problem for get and put, it’s not abount the service it’s about the path i make on the input localFile of the services,
What i need is to copy file from a directory and past it on the other using sftp:get or sftp:put
my directory is on windows server where i install cygwin to access with sftp, so the path given by cygwin it’s supported by inputs of get or put services just to copy but not to past the file,
thank you all for yr help, Finnaly it works for me the problem was that i had to pass by the local server first, not directly from the remote server to the remote server :oops: ,