Can we make report reusable for all Users?

I have created a one report and added a necessary widgets into it. Now I wan to make it reusable among all users, so that users can open the report and can able to see the data related to there device only. Also, with the this user can able to configure widgets according to assign devices. Can we do this?

Hey - you might want to look at the Dashboard templates here. It is a functionality to create a Dashboard once, which will then be active on all devices that share the same type property.

Thanks for a Quick reply,

Here Inside a report of cockpit, I am not able to see a “Add Dashboard” button.
But even if we configure like that the once challenge I am facing is that suppose customer 1 change a configuration of some widget, then it is visible at customer 2 sides as well. I want the configuration restricted to the user who is doing that only.?

Hi @AshwinV,

you can achieve what you want by implementing a named context dashboard either via custom build of cockpit or by writing a plugin for it.
This named context dashboard would be shown on every device with a default configuration that you can provide. Every customer would be able to make changes to the dashboards, but the changes are just stored for that particular device.

Samples for the named context dashboard can be found in the tutorial app.
