Dear Forum members
I am facing the problem that BC can not receive IdocDefinitions from the SAP system anymore. The problem occurs since the customer deployed a new supportpackage on the SAP system (At least that is what I guess is the reason for the problem). As BC holds the Idoc definitions in the DDIC-Cache, the problem only became obvious after a clearance of this cache. As a result I am not able to make a Idoc Definition lookup from the BC and furthermore, any incoming Idoc can not be interpreted anymore.
The error I get is:
Could not find IDoc ORDERS05 in xxxxx
Service sap.admin.idoc:getIDocDefinition
I am using:
BC 4.8 with corefix 1 build 1030 + CoreFix 1
Java Version 1.5.0_14
Has anybody an idea what the problem might be and how to solve it?
Thank you very much in advance.