Can I replace Webmethods broker with Kafka

Hello all,

Is it possible to get all the functionalities of webMethods broker by using Kafka alone? How is Kafka different from webMethods broker and Universal messaging? Thank you.

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Hi Suchendra,

can you specify your scope why you want to use Kafka instead of Broker or Universal Messaging?

If you need to use native pub/sub you will have to use either Broker or UM as there is no API for foreigen messaging providers in this case.

When using JMS, there might be more options.


If you can do this in your scenario needs thorough analysis and depends highly on your use cases.

Broker/Um and Kafka have been originally developed for different use cases.

Broker/UM are developed mainly for mom (message oriented middleware) use cases, especially guaranteed delivery.
Kafka is developed to provide data streams for streaming analytics.

There are some overlaps, but quite often it does not make sense to replace one with the other but rather use both for different use cases.

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is Kafka adapter available for free trial?

Unfortunately not ATM. Drop an email to if you are planning to have a hands-on yourself.

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