Which version of C++ runtime is compatible for installing webMethods Broker on Linux version RH 4 32-bit?
Thank You,
Ramu Rayapudi
Which version of C++ runtime is compatible for installing webMethods Broker on Linux version RH 4 32-bit?
Thank You,
Ramu Rayapudi
Because I also wanted to know the answer, I looked on Advantage for the webMethods Product Installation Guide 6.5 and the webMethods System Requirements 6.5 and 6.5.2 documents. Neither appears to answer your question.
Unless someone else on wMUsers has the answer, you will need to get this answer from wM Support.
We fixed this problem. The required library is 3.2
Can you provide the full name of the C++ libraries required or the rpm statement to fetch the correct ones?
Thanks Ramu, its good information.