"BundleContext is no longer valid" error while publishing a CAF portlet.


I have newly started working with Composite Application Frameworks (CAF). Initially, my potlets used to get published to MWS, but now whenever I try to make some changes and publish the same portlet I encounter the following error.

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: com.webMethods.portal.bizPolicy.BizException: [POP.001.0002] A “java.lang.IllegalStateException” occurred with the Message “BundleContext is no longer valid”
com.webMethods.portal.bizPolicy.BizException: [POP.001.0002] A “java.lang.IllegalStateException” occurred with the Message “BundleContext is no longer valid”

Even if i try to publish backup copy, it still gives same error.

Can anyone brief me on this error and subsequent actions needed to resolve this?



I also have this problem.

I am solving manually by removing the application (sysadmin->install products->uninstall war), and the files on
/MWS/server/MWS_mwsXXX/deploy/<task/portlet name>*
/MWS/server/MWS_mwsXXX/temp/jetty-<task/portlet id>-any-*

and restarting MWS.

But I frequently have the same problem after a few deployments.

However, I do not have that problem on another server, with the same code and developers.

Still researching.

Best Regards,

We have MWS server which is working good but when we try to run CAF page on the server .CAF page is not getting displayed on server . Can any one help me on this .

Regards ,
Priyesh Kumar