Broker Installation Error

Hi All,

I was getting following Broker error when I had tried to install IS7.1

Error is…
ezei/11/BR -
java.lang.ClassCastException :
at com.wm.installer.Broker.BrokerConfigPGPanel
at com.wm.distman,install.PanelThread

So Guys I want to resolve this problem any how… So if anyone has gone through this problem n getting resolved please guide me over this step…Please…Please :eek::confused:

[B]Thanks in Advance
Istiyak Vasiwala

Hi Mate

can you give more info about where this happened? Was this a small popup window in the installer? What platform?

If so the first thing Id try is to redownload the install image from webMethods, this sometimes happenes when that image is corrupted



Thanks Louis For the Reply

I have tried on both window xp Professional and Window 2000 Server n in both the boxes throwing the same exception at the time of installation.

Error was come as per the previous post.

Istiyak Vasiwala

Ok cool, Id definitly try redownloading both the installer and a fresh image from webMethods as a first thing.

R u sure that is only solution for this type of error?

maybe a corrupt installer isnt the issue but I know I had a similar error and downloading everything fresh worked for me. This is not say its not another problem, however I dont have any more insight


I have seen Installer throw weird exceptions when I was in too big of a rush to hit the “Next” button. We used to call this “coffee finger” in another life.

Wait a second or two after the panel displays before hitting next and see if that doesn’t solve your problem.


Hey Mark,

I tried all the way to install IS with Broker and I had downloaded 3 times newImage copy from Advantage but I am still getting the same problem and problem is only for Broker Installation.

I was wondering that I had downloaded and installed 3 times and it gave same error on borker only.

Please give me the way how can I resolve this problem?
Please let me know as early as possible

Thanks in Advance
Istiyak Vasiwala

you could try the java installer instead, see if you still get the same problem when you use it

Hey Mark,

Can you tell me that what should be the prerequisites for install WM7.1?
I mean any better way which will not throw any exception? Please let me know if any.

Thanks in Advance
Istiyak Vasiwala

I just had problems today trying to download the latest image using the windows installer tool.

Even on windows however, you can use the java version of the installer tool. I tried it now and did not get any problems to download.

Actually I am using Java Installer 7.1 exe for installing wm7.1 from the webmethod site. and I have downloaded again fresh image but I am getting same problem over broker only,rest of the part has no complained for anything but broker throwing me exception of ClassCastException… I am really wondring with this issue…Getting same problem again n again…

What to do? I can not understand. I need broker any how.
If you can please look out this issue very closely please.

Thanks in advance,
Istiyak Vasiwala

ok be careful about your description here your installer, is it the webMethodsInstaller71.EXE or webMethodsInstaller71.JAR? The .exe is the native windows installer, the .jar is the pure java version which runs on all platforms.

If you are using the .EXE file, I suggest you download the .JAR file from advantage and try it. They both do the same thing and when running on windows, look exactly the same.

you can run it via the command

java -jar webMethodsInstaller71.jar

this java version also works on windows, just as the .EXE does.

Give this a try and see if it also gives you an error

I ran into this problem upgrading from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2. What resolved the issue for me was to go into properties of the downloaded installer file (either .jar or .exe), and unblocking the file. Apparently Windows will block the file from performing some operations if you download it from the Web. The block persists even if you copy the file from one box to another.