BPM Process instance not getting displayed PRT Error

Hi All,

Please assist on below error.
We tried creating Demo or sample BPM model in WM 8.2. Single Receive task and service task. It got build and uploaded successfully. In MWS we were able to see the business process enabled for execution.

When we test it by publishing a doc to Broker it is throwing below error.

2013-07-12 19:49:58 EST wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput
[Exception: Unable to connect to database!] not found in “com.wm.resources.CoreExcpMsgs”.
Stack trace data … adff1480-ec6a-11e2-857b-82dbf70d0edf adff1480-ec6a-11e2-857b-82dbf70d0edf b880e640-ec6a-11e2-85e7-c400a9537dfb
2013-07-12 19:49:48 EST wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput [sag-cjdbc42-0011][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: “RETRYCOUNT”: invalid identifier
Stack trace data … adff1480-ec6a-11e2-857b-82dbf70d0edf adff1480-ec6a-11e2-857b-82dbf70d0edf b880e640-ec6a-11e2-85e7-c400a9537dfb
2013-07-12 19:38:58 EST wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput [sag-cjdbc42-0011][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: “RETRYCOUNT”: invalid identifier
Stack trace data … 2b770dc0-ec69-11e2-bb3a-90fe9b03042f 2b770dc0-ec69-11e2-bb3a-90fe9b03042f 351906d0-ec69-11e2-bbd8-8cd698d05801
2013-07-12 19:36:39 EST wm.prt.admin:startup java.lang.RuntimeException: property jms.provider.url in JNDI properties must be set in the format of broker://host:port/broker_name/client_group
Stack trace data … e254fa30-ec68-11e2-b5fb-9d09eef472bf NULL e254fa30-ec68-11e2-b5fb-9d09eef472bf
2013-07-12 19:26:26 EST wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput
[Exception: Unable to connect to database!] not found in “com.wm.resources.CoreExcpMsgs”.
Stack trace data … 6b221ac0-ec67-11e2-a949-fb6e945f0323 6b221ac0-ec67-11e2-a949-fb6e945f0323 6f2d69d0-ec67-11e2-a96c-8bf5b6444c5b
2013-07-12 19:26:16 EST wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput [sag-cjdbc42-0011][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: “RETRYCOUNT”: invalid identifier
Stack trace data … 6b221ac0-ec67-11e2-a949-fb6e945f0323 6b221ac0-ec67-11e2-a949-fb6e945f0323 6f2d69d0-ec67-11e2-a96c-8bf5b6444c5b
2013-07-12 19:19:06 EST wm.server.ns:getACLInfo wm.server.ns:getACLInfo
[ISS.0085.9055] Node ProcessProject1.process2.process2_1.SSMTIS:Task1_InputMapService does not exist
Stack trace data … 582957e0-ec66-11e2-a0c1-ec3d60c466ab NULL 582957e0-ec66-11e2-a0c1-ec3d60c466ab
2013-07-12 19:15:44 EST wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput
[Exception: Unable to connect to database!] not found in “com.wm.resources.CoreExcpMsgs”.
Stack trace data … ee276f30-ec65-11e2-9dc9-fe08888ed049 ee276f30-ec65-11e2-9dc9-fe08888ed049 f021dfa0-ec65-11e2-9de2-f98acac084b6
2013-07-12 19:15:43 EST wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput wm.prt.dispatch:handlePublishedInput
[Exception: Unable to connect to database!] not found in “com.wm.resources.CoreExcpMsgs”.

We tested all JDBC Pools & Broker getting local documents also published successfully.

Please Help us in getting this issue resolve.

Hi Aparna,

There seems to bemultiple issues looking at the error logs. But I remember facing the “RETRYCOUNT” error. Can you look at any fixes that are available for PRT? This seems to be an issue with the Process schema.

Also, can you check for this line below if the service exists?

[ISS.0085.9055] Node ProcessProject1.process2.process2_1.SSMTIS:Task1_InputMapService does not exist

Hi Aparna,

Can you also check the db.xml and mws.db.xml files for the DB instance?

Your mws.db.xml should look like belwo and should be available in the config directory of that MWS instance.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> com.webmethods.portal.service.sql.core.BaseSqlWorker com.webmethods.portal.service.sql.core.provider.pool.PooledConnectionProvider com.wm.dd.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver something something someone something 100 false SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TBLTHING WHERE IDTHING = 1 2 300

You got to migrate to latest db scripts of process engine.


Hi Ninad/SenthilKumar,

Thanks for the response.

I had checked the mws.db.xml the db details are present & we have applied latest fixes to IS& WMPRT packages and process engine db version is also updated.Mostly in update manager all latest fixes we have applied.
Product webMethods Integration Server
Updates IS_8.2_SP2_Core_Fix9

WmMonitor MON_8.2_SP1_Fix13
WmPRT PRT_8.2_SP2_Fix6

Still after publishing the BPM triggering doc to broker we could find below errors & there is no entry in process instance.

[12807]2013-07-22 20:57:25 EST [PRT.0101.0512E] Database Storage problem. Exception: [sag-cjdbc42-0011][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: “RETRYCOUNT”: invalid identifier
[12806]2013-07-22 20:57:25 EST [PRT.0101.0002E] ERROR: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
[12805]2013-07-22 20:57:25 EST [PRT.0101.0186D] creating brand new process stack
[12804]2013-07-22 20:57:25 EST [PRT.0101.0183D] checking out process stack
[12803]2013-07-22 20:57:25 EST [PRT.0101.0182D] [MID=test/AndrewTest, MVer=1, fragment=SSMTIS] using newly-created pid
[12802]2013-07-22 20:57:25 EST [PRT.0101.0175D] [MID=test/AndrewTest, MVer=1, fragment=SSMTIS, step=S4] trying to create new process instance
[12801]2013-07-22 20:57:25 EST [PRT.0101.0297D] doc matches input def inputDoc
[12800]2013-07-22 20:57:25 EST [PRT.0101.0292D] incoming doc matches step S4

Please assist.

You don’t have the latest Process Engine database schema installed. This DB column was introduced with the latest 8.2.1 PRT fix. You got to run DB Configurator and update process engine db schema.


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Hi Senthil/Ninad,

Thanks for your responses.
The issue is resolved now.After migrating DB/ running database configurtor.

We are able to see the process instances now.

Hi Aparna,

As side note, when you opt to “Migrate” to newer version of any Database schema, please check if your version of schema is migrate-able to latest version or not. Some old version schema may require more than one “Migrate” action