I am trying to set up an Optimize environment and I’m running into some trouble when trying to Deploy a new environment in myWebmethods. Here are the steps that I do:
- Install webMethods product suite 7.1.2, IS, myWebmethods, Optimize, Broker, Central Configurator etc.
- Run dbConfigurator and create ALL tables using version 7.1.2
- Configure the Broker Server and Broker in myWebmethods
- Configure the WmOptimize package by going into the IS Administrator->Packages->management->WmOptimize homepage and then submit the default Broker URL.
- Create DB Pool in myWebmethods under Administration->System-Wide->Environments->Database Pool Configuration.
- Define the environment in myWebmethods under Administration->System-Wide->Environments->Define Environments with the settings described in the “Central Configuration and Deployment Guide 7.1-4”
- I deploy this environment and myWebmethods shows that deployment was successfull after I hit the deploy button.
Here is where I start getting errors in the Analytic Engine log. Here are some of the errors I get:
color=“blue” [AE.EventMapHandler.evntMapHldrPreDeployError] 2009-09-09 16:15:16.578 CEST ERROR: Error pre-deploying event map AnalyticEngineLoad
(OPTIMIZE) [AE.EventMapHandler.evntMapHldrPreDeployError] 2009-09-09 16:15:16.578 CEST ERROR: java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc36-0007][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
(OPTIMIZE) [AE.EventMapHandler.evntMapHldrPreDeployError] 2009-09-09 16:15:17.703 CEST ERROR: Error pre-deploying event map AnalyticEnginePersistence
(OPTIMIZE) [AE.EventMapHandler.evntMapHldrPreDeployError] 2009-09-09 16:15:17.703 CEST ERROR: java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc36-0007][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing objec
(OPTIMIZE) [AE.TransactionWrapper.UnknownKey] 2009-09-09 16:18:17.296 CEST ERROR: Aborting transaction due to exception
(OPTIMIZE) [AE.TransactionWrapper.UnknownKey] 2009-09-09 16:18:17.296 CEST ERROR: com.wm.dd.jdbc.base.BaseBatchUpdateException: [wm-cjdbc36-0007][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: [/color]“PERSISTENCEQUAL_DIM[color=“blue”]”: invalid identifier
(OPTIMIZE) [AE.AggregationPopulator.UnknownKey] 2009-09-09 17:15:01.515 CEST ERROR: java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc36-0007][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: “FACT”.“[/color]CONNECTION_STAT_FACT[color=“blue”]”: invalid identifier
(OPTIMIZE) [AE.Query.UnknownKey] 2009-09-09 16:25:40.296 CEST ERROR: Unable to perform query: sql: SELECT BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1.Weight_FACT, ‘1’ AS Weight_FACT_INTERVAL, ‘1’ AS Weight_FACT_COUNT,BAM_DIM_ANALYTI_V1.LogicalServerName_COL AS BAM_DIM_ANALYTI_V1_Analyt,BAM_DIM_ANALYTI_V1.BAM_DIM_ANALYTI_V1_id,BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1.entry_time AS TIME,BAM_DIM_INTERNA_V1.Name_COL AS BAM_DIM_INTERNA_V1_Intern,BAM_DIM_INTERNA_V1.BAM_DIM_INTERNA_V1_id FROM BAM_DIM_INTERNA_V1,BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1,BAM_DIM_ANALYTI_V1 WHERE BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1.Analytic_Engine_DIM = BAM_DIM_ANALYTI_V1.BAM_DIM_ANALYTI_V1_id AND BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1.ENTRY_TIME = ? AND BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1.InternalMonitor_DIM = BAM_DIM_INTERNA_V1.BAM_DIM_INTERNA_V1_id, bind variables: [1252506300000, 1252506000000] for EventQuery{dimensionalPath=HierarchySetting{dimensionName=‘InternalMonitorQualifier’, dimensionVersion=1, dimensionAttributeName=‘Name’, children=‘[HierarchySetting{dimensionName=‘AnalyticEngine’, dimensionVersion=1, dimensionAttributeName=‘LogicalServerName’, children=’‘, left=‘null’}]’, left=‘null’}, queryInterval=QueryTime{startDate=Wed Sep 09 16:20:00 CEST 2009, endDate=Wed Sep 09 16:25:00 CEST 2009, aggregate=true, interval=300000}, queryables=[Weight], queryFilters=, aggregation support=NONE}
(OPTIMIZE) [AE.Query.UnknownKey] 2009-09-09 16:25:40.296 CEST ERROR: java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc36-0007][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: “BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1”."[/color]WEIGHT_FACT": invalid identifier
These errors regarding invalid identifier are thrown every 8 seconds.
Something is clearly wrong with the BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1 table. The event maps AnalyticEngineLoad and AnalyticEnginePersistence are not deployed correctly but I can see that the events exist in myWebmethods under Administration->Analytics->KPIs->System data.
When looking into BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1 I can see that the columns WEIGHT_FACT, CONNECTION_STAT_FACT, PERSISTENCEQUAL_DIM are missing which is also indicated by the error message. The entire BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1 table is unpopulated.
I have tried a fresh product install and DB install and I always run in to the same errors. Any suggestions to what I should do?
I should mention that I have been using the same DB user (SYSTEM) throughout the entire product suite without specifying any DB schema.
I tried this on two virtual machines, one running WindowsXP+OracleXE 10G and the other one with CentOS(Red Hat)+OracleXE 10G. Same error on both.
Any ideas on what I could have missed or how the BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1 can be created successfully after an Environment deployment? When looking into other webMethods installations I can see that columns WEIGHT_FACT, CONNECTION_STAT_FACT and PERSISTENCEQUAL_DIM dont exist in BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V1 but they do exist in BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V11, BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V12 BAM_FACT_ANALYTI_V13 which are tables that I dont have on my installation.