Authentication method options for connecting to Snowflake

I have just started sing my free trial of WebMthods io Integration and I have a question about the Snowflake Connector.

It appears to only offer user/password authentication.

Is there a way to use a different different authentication methods (keypair, oauth, etc.) for connections to Snowflake?


hi @bgooley,
As of now we support username\password as Auth option.
We have also custom REST connector available.
Using this connector, you can configure the account along with end points and can create custom operations for same.

Meanwhile I ll have words internally to get the details if we are coming with some more option on snowflake connector by default.

Vikash Sharma

Hi @Vikash_Sharma1
Can you provide more details on using a custom REST connector with Snowflake? Do you just mean go into the Connectors tab in Int and create a new REST connector? Do you have any samples of using a custom REST connector with Snowflake?
I am looking at the Snowflake connector that is available for use in Workflows, but our preference is to use Int FlowServices.
I’d appreciate your feedback.

hi @wayne.leishman.20059,
As of now we dont have any sample readily available for snowflake connector.
But if you have any endpoints available for snowflake connector, then definitely i can help to create the Usecase for same.

Vikash Sharma

Thanks Vikesh.
I’m going to look at Snowflake’s SQL REST API

We should be able to add this as a REST API in Integration, and then we can use it from FlowServices.
We will also explore using the Integration Database Connector. We just need to find the proper drivers to use.
If you have feedback on using eithr the REST API for Snowflake and/or using the DB connector, please let me know.

Hello @bgooley ,

Other option is to create REST connector and wrap it up with authentication (For eg : OAuth2)and use it in both workflow and Flowservice provided we know the endpoint URL.


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