Assistance required ! Mapping

Hi All,

As a part of SLO13A project we have a Peculiar requirement .In the below screen shot you see that for each element of “ ArrayOf_ChannelPartner” we have one ListOfChannelPartner segment.

How ever, what is required is to consolidate all the ArrayOf_ChannelPartner elements in to on ListOfChannelPartner. Therefore, finally we should have one segment with
ListOfChannelPartner and inside that a list” ArrayOf_ChannelPartner” with 3 elements.

Size of ArrayOf_ChannelPartner is not static. Size changes dynamically depending on input data

If any body has, a solution for this Please let me know.

What i understood is that you have two list and you need to merge them onto a single list? if this is the req, then u may try using pub.list.appendToDOcumnetList service in which you can merge two list or a list with a single item.

Hope this helps.



Thanks for the feedback. I tried with the same. but

Size of ArrayOf_ChannelPartner is not static. Size changes dynamically depending on input data

it becomes very difficult to manage.