In my requirement , I want to add an array field(MU) in map which is having 15 occurrences.
For example :
Fieldname : &xxxx&xxxx&xxxx&xxxx&xxxx&xxxx&xxxx&xxxx&xxxx&xxxx
using Map editor I know to add fields which is having even occurences…
Can anybody please tell me, how to add odd occurrences like the given example.
Thanks in advance
Have you tried simply specifying 15 occurrences? If you get an error; what is the error.
Are you trying to place the occurrences vertically or horizontally?
Yes, Natural wants to display a nice rectangle; he makes you enter number of rows and number of columns. If you specify 15 occurrences, Natural rounds to 16 when you enter “8x2”.
There is a way to break the rule, but it’s very limited in use and a little time-consuming. It presumes that all occurrences can fit on a single line to begin with, but perhaps you could try a 250-character line.
My example has seven occurrences.
I moved the last three of them individually using the .m field command.
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@Ralph Zbrog
Your solution has worked.
Thank you so much
Thanks & Regards
Priyanka Chilka
Why not just REDEFINE #ARRAY (A4/1:15) into #firstline (a4/1:10) and #secondline (a4/1:5)
Both Ralph’s solution and the REDEFINE are amenable to breaking the array into as many segments of any given number of occurrences, and placing the segments anywhere on the map.