AS2 signing and encryption

Well TN with EDIINT is capable of AS2 out of the box but not PGP. Good day.

Yemi Bedu

Hello Yemi,

Thank you very much for your prompt response!

I’m wondering about my options now - could you enlighten me on how I might architect a solution if I have to use AS2 and PGP? I suppose I have to use PGP before it gets to the EDIINT part… would that be a wM package to encrypt/decrpyt the message before it gets to the EDIINT piece?

Thank You,

Hi Vijai,

I think you have two options, rebuild the wm.EDIINT:receive service to use PGP or write your own service which receives the PGP encrypted data and then call wm.EDIINT:receive, with the plain text as input.
In both cases you’re missing a lot of out-of-the box functionality, which you could use if you would use S/MIME instead of PGP.



I am trying to configure AS2 communications to a Cyclone AS2 server. I have been able to send encrypted data to them but they are unable to send encrypted data to me. I am also unable to sign documents. I have a feeling that it is a symptom of the same problem does anyone have any ideas?

I have received a Verisign cert from the keys that I generated. I am not sure whether I have configured them correctly though.



I have two IS servers (say A, B). A is at version 6.0.1 and B at 6.5. I am trying to do AS2 communication from A to B. I have defined B as a partner for A and vice versa. I have used the same set of certificates for both A and B. When I send a outbound message from A, I receive “processed/error: decryption-failed” error on B. My detailed error logs has the following error. Can I use the same certificates for both A and B? If yes, has anyone seen this error before ? Any help is appreciated.

===================================================== Signing key is not valid Invalid key usage: Certificate cannot be used for signing (key usage must permit ‘digitalSignature’ or ‘nonRepudiation’) Invalid key usage: Certificate cannot be used for signing (key usage must permit ‘digitalSignature’ or ‘nonRepudiation’) at Source) at at at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.i



My outbound message from A is sent signed and encrypted. On further debugging the EDIINT processMsg service on the receiver side, I see that the serive is giving signed = “false”. Any ideas why this can happen ? Is there a way for me decode the http message and see if the data I am receiving on B is actually signed or not ??


OK…Issue solved. I was missing a public key certificate in my corporate profile on B

webMethods 6.1 I am trying to set up AS2 Communication with a trading partner. After reading this forum I tried changing my Encryption Algorithm to RC2 40. I can now see the AS2 header and the encrypted payload. My trading partner uses Cyclone and they get an error in sending the MDN.

  1. Is there a different setting needed for the MDN on my side.
  2. Should I be able to see an AS2 footer after my encrypted payload
  3. My trading partner can see the file and was able to process it. (except for the MDN. However on my side I get a send message error of Connection reset

Any information would be helpful

You should contact webMethods support regarding this issue. It is possible your server.bat JAVA_EXE entry is directed to the wrong path.