Product/components used and version/fix level:
Applinx 10.15
Detailed explanation of the problem:
I am unable to find the option where the REST API response is JSON, I have created a new Path Procedure and procedure group and copy REST URL to clipboard and check to see output in XML only.
I kind of did the same steps again but could not see a difference that gets response in JSON.
Please note that I am using Microsoft Edge to check the REST API output
Can you please point me to the place where I can see the option, that makes difference in REST API response from XML to JSON.
How to expose procedure as REST API that can return the output as JSON ?
I am able to expose procedure as rest API that can return the output as XML.
Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:
when using headers Content-Type: applincation/json → HTTP 500 error.
When using Edge to see the response of URL, it works but the response is in XML.