API Portal in Docker - asking for license

I’ve installed API Developer Portal by following the steps on https ://hub.docker.com/r/softwareag/devportal. I also have API Gateway insalled via docker and everything’s ok. I’m running Windows 10 with Docker Desktop 4.15.0 (93002)

C:\>docker images
REPOSITORY                                      TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
softwareag/apigateway-trial                     10.15     6afe1612adbc   2 months ago   3.45GB
softwareag/devportal                            10.15     459d9767eb02   3 months ago   1.55GB
docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch   8.2.3     59306705ed62   6 months ago   1.2GB

When accessing the API Portal in a browser, via localhost:80/portal/, and loging in with the default user:password (Administrator:manage), its shown that " No license is available. Please upload valid license. " And I’m unable to create an API via localhost/portal/manage/apis/create

Docker Hub mentions “Product requires license key obtained from Software AG to run.” but how can I test the creation of an API? What am I missing?

Thank you.

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