Apache Problem - Address already in use

Environment : Solaris 7, Apache 1.3.20, Tamino 23

Problem: Tamino and Apache have been running smoothly for about 2 months. Suddenly Apache cannot be started and gives the following output:

[Mon Nov 5 10:10:25 2001] [notice] Handler ino(v1.30.1.1): successfully initialized
[Mon Nov 5 10:10:25 2001] [notice] Handler ino: registry init successful
[Mon Nov 5 10:10:25 2001] [crit] (125)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to port 9991

Why has this suddenly happened?




Check the httpd.conf file: what is the value of the “Port” parameter? If this is 9991 has it always been 9991 or has someone changed it. The reason I ask is that the Argus MIL server uses this for its HTTP access. The httpd.conf should have an entry as below - in my example it uses the standard port 80.

# Port: The port to which the standalone server listens.
Port 80


I have been informed that Apache can now be started as long as it is started BEFORE sagevt and sagexts daemons as they listen on port 9991.

Nothing had been changed so it is very strange why it happened.
