I client sends us xml documents encoded in iso-8859-2.
We get these documents on a custom service (we’re not using wm.tn.receive).
Currently, we call the following services :
- xmlStringToXMLNode (without encoding specified)
- recognize
- routeBizdoc
We were testing special characters treatment, and currently, those special characters are stored in TN as follow :
±æê³ó¶ñ¼¿ ¡ÆÊ£ÓѦ¬¯
When I set encoding to iso-8859-2 on the xmlStringToXMLNode service, I obtain the following string :
???ó??? ???Ó???
I tried one more thing, I forced the bizdoc contentPart MimeType to text/xml; charset=iso-8859-2, and I obtained :
¹Ìê³óœùŸ¿ ¥��£��Œ¯
So here I have some polish characters which seem to be OK, but with those Â, Ă, etc… letters which have nothing to do here.
Is this because it is UTF-8 encoded on 2 bytes ?? I can’t understand…
Another thing, I tried bytesToString, stringToBytes with all possible parameters, and I always obtain one of those 3 lines…
so my questions :
- What could I do !!?
- How can I be sure that the client really sends iso-8859-2 ??
- Is the line <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-2"?> really useful ???
Thanx !