And yet more ROWTABLEAREA2 stuff

Another problem in a RowTableArea2. Again the RowArea with a RowTableArea2. Underneath this a Repeat with an STR and multiple fields under the STR. One of the middle fields are declared as N2.5

The field has a display property and a status property. For some of the rows, this field is an input field. For the rest, they should be displayed at all (there is no input, nor data to display). So, for that occurrence of the Display property in the Array, the DISPLAY property is set to “TRUE

Hi Werner,

FIELD controls support a design-time property INVISIBLEMODE

Did you try setting the INVISIBLEMODE to cleared?

Best Regards,

Hi Christine

That solves the problem. Setting the INVISIBLEMODE to cleared, and then setting the Status Property to Invisible, clears out the field. Setting the Display Property in this case makes no differrence (i.e. setting the DISPLAY Prop to TRUE normally renders the field grey. In this case the field stays white as on another instance of the same field where the Status property was not set to Invisible). It would have been nice if the field could be cleared as well as rendered grey, to differentiate it from the instances in the same column where input is allowed.

Anyway, thank you for your help.


Hi Werner,

the style of the fields can be adapted int the stylesheet (.css).
The stylesheet-editor supports setting the style for the different controls.
Hint: you also can apply different stylesheets to different pages.

Best Regards,