an easy way to visualize your service audit data


 I have create a simple tool for audit data visualization of Integration Server services:

 At the moment only two views are available ([b]Time Slots[/b] and [b]Service History[/b]), 

but based on the data available on the Audit table also other views could be rendered. For example:

  • how is the service distribution between nodes
  • which users make the most calls
  • when a certain error first occurred
  • etc

What would help you in the day to day monitoring of the Integration Server? Please leave a comment with your wish and it might get implemented.


A big thanks on this valuable utility and sharing it with the SAG user community and really can’t express more :smiley:



Awesome tool. As a matter of fact it is going to be a lot of help to me!
Many Thanks for sharing :wink:


I have added 2 new views. One for memory usage and one for thread usage.

The user can see directly in the IS console the up to date state of memory and thread usage and can also check the values for previous days.

The chart allows to zoom horizontally (time axis) and vertically (values axis).

The updated IS Package (RichAudit can downloaded from the wiki page Rich Audit Wiki

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Thanks again for the effort :slight_smile:

Here i agree with others.



OK great thanks for 2 more new views. :smiley:


Hi Vlad,

Your work is really appreciated :slight_smile: And thanks for sharing the code with everyone :slight_smile: