Adding IS Adapters and Solutions to the WM Admin Panel

I’ve developed a number of custom adapters and solutions for the Integration Server. Most have configuration information that is maintained via .dsp panels. These adapters/solutions were NOT developed using the idk.

It would be REALLY convenient to add the .dsp panels to the main webMethods Admnistration, either in the Adapter or Solution section. Does anyone know precisely how to do that? I’m assuming it involves the use of services like wm.server.ui.addMenu and wm.server.ui.addSoluion, but I’ve not figured out exactly how that works.

Can anyone provide guidance?

Hi, Dave.

There is some code posted at [url=“”] that will help you. The code should run as a startup service for your package to regsiter the menu with the server.

Also, be sure to read Igor Androsov’s webMethods Ezine article for additional tips. Igor’s article features a downloadable package that does all of the dirty work for you.