Adapter RunTime error - No more data to read from socket

We are oftenly getting the following Adpater run time exception error “[ART.117.4002] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Unable to invoke adapter service SATURN_ASN.Services:getInboundForMcData. [ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement “SELECT MCDATA_INBOUNDID_SEQ.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL”. " (17410) No more data to read from socket” No more data to read from socket".

This connection is used to invoke a Oracle SEQUENCE for each transaction.

Oftenly we are getting the error and whenever we refresh the connections, it started working.

Some of my colleagues also facing the same kind of error in the connections to the same Database. They are using different connection.

Connection details attached as a zip file “”

Need u`r expertise suggestion to stop reoccurence of this error. DB is a Oracle Database.

Try setting the minimum connection pool size to 0 for the pool that this query is executing against - sounds to me like a stale connection.

Jlameers, Thanks a lot for u`r suggestion. After setting the min conn pool size to 0, we are not seeing any errors.

Is there any performance issue by setting minimum connection pool to 0.

“Is there any performance issue by setting minimum connection pool to 0.”

This is one of the best practices set for JDBCAdapter connections…It works well for your scenario.