Hi all ,
I want to use a adapter which can synchronize directly with a printer , so that document can be printed . Is there any way to do the same . :?:
Regarding the Adapter for printing I searched a lot but i didn’t find any adapters made for that until now . But I think we can accomplish the same thing by using the java code .Here I have attached the java code which will print the text files which comes with the name (“C:/Temp/abc.txt”) into the "C:/Temp” folder. but when I implement the code in webMethods, it is not showing any output and I am a novice to webMethods , so please help me out in the same . I have tried the java code and it is working fine in eclipse.
wPrintFileToPrinter.txt (3.92 KB)
It may help you set up your plugins in a printer that your computer automatically work and easy to print. LDAP synchronization system also makes your work easy.Ricoh printer is best for you for printer tech setup.