Our mainframe Adabas/Natural application has 2 triggers. We are considering porting this application to a Linux platform. Does anyone has a suggestion on how to implement the comparable of the Adabas trigger on a Adabas/Linux environment?
Any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions from you would be very…very much appreciated.
Can you elaborate a bit on the exact requirements ?
The simple approach would be to have an Adabas user exit intercept the triggering commands and then … do “something”.
Just need to know more about the requirements to come up with an extremely clever solution
We have 2 triggers that do exactly the same thing with the exception of the field used for the trigger. We have an Adabas file called investigation. As soon as the value of the case-status field of an investigation record get changed, the trigger fires up and writes a record to another Adabas file. It also writes a message to be read later by some java applications.
Do you have any documentation on how we can trap the before/after value of a field and the file number so that we know what is changed? The target platform is Red-Hat Linux.
We are aware of the availability of the user exit option except we do not have a way to trap the before/after image of a field without combing through the plog… Not to mention how we can start a transaction because we need to write a record to another Adabas file depending on the changed value.
Do you have examples of using a user exit to trap the action so that we can do whatever we want to do?