I am responsible for Adabas Fastpath in Software AG R&D. Similar to the other client-based products, I thought it would be interesting to tell you the things we are working on in the next wave. Here’s a few words on the main things…
Eliminate ECSA usage.
Use of ECSA memory has come under increasing pressure as a scarce resource in recent years. Today, Fastpath uses ECSA (shared memory) to support its direct-access cache (buffer). We will change this to alternate memory usage thereby alleviating the pressure on ECSA. -
File level history.
Until now, Fastpath’s history statistics have been at the system level. We will allow file level statistics to be recorded in the history data too. -
Client job history.
Until now, Fastpath has recorded statistics per client job as messages within the Fastpath cache (buffer) manager. We will now allow rolling statistics to be written to the configuration file for each job. -
Online administration (SYSATM) - security
Allow functions to be secured in RACF (etc), this requires Adabas SAF Security to be installed. -
Crash-recoverable DTR
Dynamic transaction routing systems (such as CICS/MRO, CICS/plex, etc) are able to be resilient in cases of component outage, automatically routing existing sessions to remaining components. Support for these types of systems will be introduced. -
Singe-seat administration.
All client sessions in all client jobs across multiple systems to be monitored from a single online session. -
System-wide newcopy - along with other client-based products.
Allow the administrator to stimulate dynamic re-load of the main kernel of the product to allow maintenance fixes to be adopted 24*7. This is in line with similar facilities in Fastpath, the facilities will become integrated. -
Common tracing
The ability to trace individual client Adabas command activity with information about Vista processing for translation/partitioning. This is in line with similar facilities in Fastpath (etc), integrated. -
The will be a further evolution of APIs to allow manipulation of Vista configuration (IMPORT/EXPORT) so that configuration can be manipulated programmatically - and therefore copied from file to file etc. Also, further APIs to provide more statistical runtime information.
There are plenty more changes of a smaller nature. I hope you find this information useful.
Best regards,