I am responsible for Adabas Vista in Software AG R&D. I thought it would be interesting to tell you the things we are working on in the next wave. Here’s a few words on the main things…
Allow partitioned files to exceed the 4-byte ISN limit
A maximum of 4-byte ISN per partition instead of per file. This is a new option and requires the addition of a special field adding to the FDT (must be used in all views), Vista will use it to manage the partition identities. This means files of extraordinary size can be accommodated. -
Support Super-field as partition criteria.
This mean multiple fields can contribute to the partition criteria. -
Online administration (SYSAVI) - security
Allow functions to be secured in RACF (etc), this requires Adabas SAF Security to be available. -
Online administration (SYSAVI) - “check” functions
Allow the administrator to check that definition for partitions, translations are valid by generating Adabas commands to make sure the intended target data can be reached. -
Allow it to be reset so the log will show further activities being recorded from the start of the log. -
System-wide newcopy - along with other client-based products.
Allow the administrator to stimulate dynamic re-load of the main kernel of the product to allow maintenance fixes to be adopted 24*7. This is in line with similar facilities in Fastpath, the facilities will become integrated. -
Common tracing
The ability to trace individual client Adabas command activity with information about Vista processing for translation/partitioning. This is in line with similar facilities in Fastpath (etc), integrated. -
The will be a further evolution of APIs to allow manipulation of Vista configuration (IMPORT/EXPORT) so that configuration can be manipulated programmatically - and therefore copied from file to file etc. Also, further APIs to provide more statistical runtime information.
There are plenty more changes of a smaller nature. I hope you find this information useful.
Best regards,