accessing remote database


I need to write a client application that can access remote Tamino DB and store non-xml documents.

Is it possible to do that using C API? Looking at the C API documentation, it seems that
tac_init can be used only locally, on machine where DB is installed (in order to use XTS service)

TAC_HANDLE tac_init(char *dbname)

dbname - a string containing the name of the Tamino database used for this handle, where the name was registered through Tamino from the start-up of the database via XTS

Example provided with the SDK works fine locally.


Is it possible to do that using C API?


> … it seems that tac_init can be used only
> locally

This is a misunderstanding. tac_init takes a
database name as argument. It does not matter,
where this database is.

> … where the name was registered through
> Tamino from the start-up of the database via

Yes. But this registration is with an XTS
directory server. This XTS directory does not
necessarily run on the same machine as the
database server. A usual “production” type setup
would be like this: a couple of database servers
on some machines, clients on lots of machines,
all using the same XTS directory server on one
XTS installations done by Tamino usually define
a default XTS directory server for the machine,
where Tamino is installed.
Your client application needs to use the XTS
directory server, that the target databases are
using. If the default is not the correct one,
then you can specify the desired XTS directory
server via an environment variable (XTSDSURL).

See Tamino v42 documentation:
manual “Communications Guide”, section
“Communication Methods”, chapter “XTS”.

All the best,