Accessing postgreSQL using the jdbc adapter

Has anyone used the jdbc adapter with postgreSQL?


Hi Edwin,
did you manage to connect to postgreSQL?
I’d like to know if there is such possibility.


This may now be old hat - I notice that the message is quite old.

This is how I got wM 6.1 to work with POstgres 8.2

POST_DIR is the Postgres SQL root directory, defaults to c:\program files\postgresql on Windows

IS_DIR is the Integration server root directory

  1. Copy the the postrpostgresql-8.2-505.jdbc2ee.jar from
    POST_DIR\8.2\jdbc to IS_DIR\lib\jars

  2. In the wM admin console select Adapters > JDBC Adapter > Configure Connection

  3. Use the following parameters

DataSource Class org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource
portNumber 5432 (this is the default, change it if you use a different postgres port)
networkProtocol jdbc:postgresql

This should all work perfectly.
