Access database with data previous loaded

I am new in using Tamino WEBDAV. I have previous created a database with stores >10k XML documents.
Now I try to access this database via WEBDAV through the Basic WebDAV Enablement, however, it fails (What will be the problem? time ? size? How to solve it?)
I have created a testing database with only 10 documents in it, it successes to access this database via WEBDAV


we had some problems enabling large amount of data, this will be fixed with the next release.


I have attached the log file…

I found that it only check for the documents up to 1000 then prompts an error…

Found Tamino document without metadata document at content ID 998@NewsML
Found Tamino document without metadata document at content ID 999@NewsML
Found Tamino document without metadata document at content ID 1000@NewsML

Unable to repair


com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.accessor.TQueryException: NestedException:Tamino access failure (INOXYE9291: Transaction aborted because it has taken too long, ) Cause: NestedException:Tamino access failure (INOXYE9291: Transaction aborted because it has taken too long, )

Is it the problem of too large storage? (>1000 documents)?

I would like to ask another question…
If I previously accessing the database with only 10 documents via WEBDAV. However, after inserting some new documents and the database becomes very large (>1000), can I access the database via WEBDAV anymore?
Log_2003_02_25_18_37_46538[1].xml (92.4 KB)


how do you insert those documents, via Tamino or via WebDAV?

If you have some WebDAV documents in your collection and you add other documents via Tamino, you will see your first 10 documents, but not the newly added, until you enabled them.

You can try to increase the transaction time in Tamino Manager, that might help you enable larger amounts of data. Also putting your documents in chunks and then enabling might help. In the next release has a different transactional behaviour.


I’ve changed the transaction time of the database and it still fails to enable the large database with the following exception:
com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.connection.TTransactionException: Error rolling back transaction. NestedException:NestedException:Retry after session mode update failed. NestedException:Transaction mode cannot be updated. Problems parsing input stream. NestedException:Failure updating the session state: SessionId: ->19, SessionKey: ->1044540920 Cause: Error rolling back transaction. NestedException:NestedException:Retry after session mode update failed. NestedException:Transaction mode cannot be updated. Problems parsing input stream. NestedException:Failure updating the session state: SessionId: ->19, SessionKey: ->1044540920


what size your documents have? are the XML or nonXML?


82082 all XML documents


I tested with our latest development version, 1000 XML documents, 91 kb each. Enabling worked without probelms. So the next release (coming soon) will solve this.
