Ability to produce graphical display(s)

I have a very general question

Can CAI be used to produce “graphical” display of data
eg bar / pie / line graphs etc… ?

If so, could you point me to any relevant documentation
and examples (would be a bonus)

In a “MS Windows world” I would probably use
ActiveX controls eg Visio drawing control, MS Office Web components
(ie spreadsheet, chart, pivot table controls)

If above controls can be used with CAI, are there any examples
or documentation on how these can be used.

we have included a library to do this.

Maybe you have a look into the demos in our demo workplace:
(1) Demo ==> Chart Controls ==> SVG Charts
(2) Release 1.4.0 ==> Chart ==> Many demos

The charts can be produced either as SVG output or as PNG/JPG output.

Documentation can be found in the Developer’s Guide.
