9.10 Creating a OData Services with metadata

I created a OData service with external data type.
I can access to the retrieve service (for instance in postman) but I need to access to metadata and I don’t know how to do this :
I tried http://:5555/MyPackage/MyFolders:myOdataService/$metadata but my brower say me Obecjt Not Found.

How can I have access to metadata ?

From docs of 10.3, check with sag support if they have any workaround.

The OData service implementation in Integration Server supports the following OData

  • ATOM, JSON, and XML formats for representing the resources that are exposed as data services.
  • CRUD operations for each entity type.
  • System query options such as $select, $expand, $filter, $orderby, $top, $skip, $format, $inlinecount, and $count.