401 error adding wsdl to virtual service (https)

Has anyone ran into a problem adding wsdl to a virtual service where the wsdl is using an ssl cert.

I added the certs to the cacerts in the jvm but no luck.

Currently running CentraSite SOA edition latest patch 21.

Does centrasite use the jvm/jre/lib/security/cacerts ??? or do you have to use Systems Management Hub to setup SSL configuration or is there someother config that you must do for apache/tomcat/catalina???


Also I’m able to test this service and consume the wsdl and operations by using SOAPSonar.

The service uses NTLM authentication, SSL cert for https transport, and a WS-addressing policy common to WCF wshttpbinding services.

The solution was to create a flow service that calls pub.mediator.addressing:AddWSAddressingHeaders
pass it a DocAddressing document and create an input type of MessageContext and map it in the pipeline to the input.
This was then deployed as a package to the mediator is and added as a pre-processing step in centrasite routing.



The solution that you explain that fixed the problem is regarding WSAddressing whilst the original issue that you had was with SSL. Can you explain the relationship?

The services we are trying to connect are WCF / .net services that use WSHttpBinding
which use the following message version and have ws-addressing built in by default. Those services happen to be secured using ssl transport and ntlm authentication.


Centrasite latest version will allow you the virtualization of an endpoint and use ntlm authentication. As of the moment I don’t know another way to get flow services using ntlm auth besides using a virtual endpoint.

In addition the deployed virtual endpoint in mediator strips out any incoming ws-addressing info by design, and you must add it back using a routing step to a mediator add ws-addressing flow service which has a doctype with the ws-addressing information.

The ssl x509 cert had to be put into the cacerts trust store in order for centrasite and mediator to connect.