- no constructor for URMAuthenticatorSSX

I’m running Windows 2000

D:\usr\SAG\xsv\xsv4211-4000\bin>inodavconfig install security -type OS

-administrator Administrator -password somepw -defaultDomain

mydomain -databaseAccount Administrator -databasePassword somepw

results in:

[run] install security
FATAL [main] - No appropriate constructor can be found for

FATAL [main] - (org.apache.slide.urm.URMException) - No appropriate

constructor can be found for org.apache.slide.urm.au
[failed] No appropriate constructor can be found for

org.apache.slide.urm.authenticator.impl.ssx.URMAuthenticatorSSX.: N
o appropriate constructor can be found for


Is this because there is no tomcat/native/bin/sagssxauthd2? This is what happens when tomcat starts:

INFO [main] - Using ‘D:\usr\SAG\xsv\xsv4211-4000\tomcat/native/bin/sagssxauthd2’ path to run authenticator daemon.
FATAL [main] - No appropriate constructor can be found for org.apache.slide.urm.authenticator.impl.ssx.URMAuthenticatorSSX.
FATAL [main] - (org.apache.slide.urm.URMException) - No appropriate constructor can be found for org.apache.slide.urm.authenticator.impl.ssx.URMAuthenticatorSSX.
org.apache.slide.urm.common.URMConfigurationException: No appropriate constructor can be found for org.apache.slide.urm.authenticator.impl.ssx.URMAuthenticatorSSX.
at org.apache.slide.urm.authenticator.URMAuthenticator.newInstance(URMAuthenticator.java:97)
at org.apache.slide.urm.realm.URMRealm.start(URMRealm.java:168)

Why is it looking for sagssxauthd2, when only the unix build copies sagssxauthd2 (see ant/tomcat.xml)?

Tomcat.xml says:

os.type = Misc.getOsType

Also, build.properties.sample says:

# SSX. Point this to the tamino install directory to use ssx. Comment-out otherwise
# sag.ssx=x:\ehm\inodavext\paris_527_win

but i don’t have sagssxuserdb2.dll or sagssxuserdbimpl2.dll in my Tamino installation. How do i get those - are they part of the update?

Any help appreciated…


Hello Jason,

please contact your local SAG contact for further support.

Kind regards,