XML validation - pub.schema.validate


I am doing a validation of the XML using the service pub.schema.validate

In the conformsTo - I am passing documentType and xmlSchema for both i am getting validation as success.

Can any one tell me what is the difference between validating with documentType and xmlSchema?

Thanks in advance

Hi Venkat,

please check out the IS Built-In-Services Reference for details on the validation service.

Mainly the difference is in the type of input for the data (either document or node) as well as the strictness of validation.

Schema validation is more strict then the doctype validaion


Hi Volger,

Thanks for reply. Do you have any example on the strict validation which is not in document type validation?


Hi Venkat,

if available, the schema (XSD) should be used to create DocType and for the validation later on as this is the single point of truth in this case.
When there is only a DocType availabe (probably created manully) its constraints definition might be complete or can be changed easily without taking care of the data content at the same time.

When using the XSD it is neccessary to drop and recreate the DocType and Schema node when the constraints or the structure are changing.


Thanks Holger